Wednesday, 29 June 2011

The smoke that thunders

I went to see the Victoria Falls this afternoon. It really is like nothing I've seen before, you cannot imagine the amount of water crashing over - in fact it is so big you can't look down and see the bottom, all you can see is the spray, and this was not the falls at their height. You get right up to the bridge between Zambia and Zimbabwe where it might as well be raining there is so much spray. I'll have to go back again, if I can negotiate the journey.  there is a lot of scope for ripping off tourists and guess what I do look like a tourist. I realised when I got there I had been charged about ten times more than I should have been so on the way back in a shared taxi squashed up next to a rather large Zambian lady, I was only charged double, and felt quite pleased with myself.
This morning went well, I think: we were at a community centre this time, an even less official kind of school than the community schools. The groups were mixed ages from 3 to 11 and not many of them spoke English, but we seemed to do OK. With the very wee ones we flapped our wings like flamingos, quivered like butterflies and wriggled like snakes. The older ones read "Elmer" (thank you Lesley) I'm not sure how much they understood but they read it gamely and then coloured in patchwork elephants - you'll understand if you know the story. The children seemed even poorer than the ones I have met so far, but very friendly and keen to join in and draw or look at the pictures. The school was a traditional mud hut, with a thatched roof, incredibly sturdy and beautiful, but very primitive by our standards. As we leave, Kelly (our leader) has to walk beside the bus and another helper sits on the step looking behind, to make sure none of the children get run over as they all run along beside it trying to keep  up with it. Have to stop to get back to Campsite before dark (at 6.30 here) Also have to do my prep for tomorrow - I am having to dredge up all my mostly forgotten tips from Blue Peter - sticky backed plastic comes in very useful here.


  1. One of our favorite books when the children were young, will have to look it out for William (grandson). Love Quentin Blake's work - was just reading about him yesterday. Well done on your trip and the fundraising!

  2. How exciting and well done for good negotiating 2nd time round! Good luck with the crafty stuff - sure you'll be ace! Masks, sticking, making letters for the K-M story, anything.

    R xxxxx

    PS Scarlett's got the bell for her scooter and Louis has been walking with her old brick trolley!

  3. Good stuff. By contrast, at work we tidied up, ate Rocky Road made by Scott and tidied up a bit more.

    Victoria Falls sound wonderful.

  4. Wow Victoria Falls sound absolutely fantastic! Another world.
    My boys loved Elmer too! Sounds as though you're doing brilliantly - well done Deb!
    Just of to the States with auntie Esme this morning. Will see you when we both return.

    much love
